Image Licensing

The prices below are indicative only as image dimensions vary and rights managed license fees will depend on usage. For a quotation, please email your specific requirements to

For Rights-Managed licenses, please include the following in your request:
  • A description of the image use
  • Image size required
  • License duration
  • Geography and Industry distribution
  • Size of the print run where applicable
  • Exclusivity Requirements

  • For Royalty-Free licenses, please include the following in your request:
  • Required image size

  • Example Rights-Managed Image Licenses

    Lo-Resolution license
    for small images - pixel-limited 72 dpi image will be provided
    Dimension of longer side Price
    170 pixels $15
    280 pixels $35
    450 pixels $50
    Example Low Resolution license: Low res for electronic and web use / Corporate website / {image size} / One placement / one website / Worldwide / 1 year / General business services
    All prices displayed in USD

    Hi-Resolution license
    for any use above 450 pixels - full size high resolution image will be provided
    1 Year Homepage Secondary Page Homepage & Secondary Page
    1/4 screen $675 $450 $900
    1/2 screen $920 $615 $1225
    3/4 screen $1115 $745 $1485
    Full screen $1350 $900 $1795
    2 Years Homepage Secondary Page Homepage & Secondary Page
    1/4 screen $840 $560 $1120
    1/2 screen $1145 $765 $1525
    3/4 screen $1385 $925 $1845
    Full screen $1680 $1120 $2240
    3 Years Homepage Secondary Page Homepage & Secondary Page
    1/4 screen $1005 $670 $1340
    1/2 screen $1365 $910 $1820
    3/4 screen $1660 $1105 $2210
    Full screen $2010 $1340 $2680
    Example High Resolution license: Electronic and web uses / Corporate website / {image size} / {display location} / Worldwide / {timeframe} / General business services
    All prices displayed in USD

    Example Royalty-Free License

    Indicative File Size (MB) Indicative Pixels Price
    Extra Large 50 5000 x 3300 $230
    Large 28 3800 x 2500 $190
    Medium 16 2800 x 1900 $150
    Small 4 1400 x 950 $125
    Extra Small 1 700 x 500 $55
    All prices displayed in USD

    Choosing the right license. Rights-Managed or Royalty-Free?

    When licensing images, the terms royalty-free and rights-managed refer to two different approaches to how images can be used, priced, and distributed.

    1. Royalty-Free (RF)
    - Licensing Model: In a royalty-free license, you pay a one-time fee for the right to use the image, without having to pay royalties based on usage.
    - Usage Flexibility: Once purchased, the image can usually be used multiple times, across various projects, without needing to pay additional fees for each use. However, there are still restrictions, such as limits on resale or redistribution.
    - Duration and Geography: Typically, there are no restrictions on how long or where the image can be used (e.g., global, perpetual use).
    - Non-Exclusive: The same image can be sold to multiple users, so others may use the same image as well.
    - Cost: Generally more affordable because you're not paying based on usage factors (like how many copies are printed, audience size, or how long it's used).

    2. Rights-Managed (RM)
    - Licensing Model: Rights-managed images are licensed for specific uses, with the cost determined by how, where, and for how long the image will be used (e.g., online, in print, region, duration of use).
    - Usage Specificity: Each use of the image requires a new license. For instance, if you're using it in a brochure, you'd need to buy a different license if you later want to use it on a website.
    - Restrictions: The license often specifies exact details such as size, placement, duration of use, and the geographic region where the image will be used.
    - Exclusive or Non-Exclusive: You may have the option to purchase an exclusive license, which means no one else can use the image for a specified time or in specific contexts.
    - Cost: RM images are usually more expensive because the price is tailored to specific usage factors. The more exclusive or broad the usage rights, the higher the cost.

    For any questions, email